Refund Policy: Effective Jan 5, 2024

Because our products are custom-printed for each customer at the time they are ordered, we cannot offer refunds or accept returns to customers unsatisfied with the products they receive unless an error was made in fulfilling your order or your item is damaged or misprinted when you receive it.

If you receive an item that is damaged, misprinted, or if we made an error in fulfilling your order, you must contact us by email within seven (7) days of the date on which your order is delivered.  We cannot accept returns or process refunds (if permitted by these Terms) unless we receive your email at In response to your request, we may require you to provide additional information or photographs to verify the damage, misprint or error. In some cases we may require that you return the damaged, misprinted or erroneous item to us.

Your purchase price will include the price of the product(s) ordered plus any applicable sales and regional tax.  Sales tax is based on the shipping address and the sales tax rate in effect at the time your order is processed.  In jurisdictions where we do not collect and pay sales tax, you may be obligated to pay a use tax.  We make no representations or warranties regarding the imposition of use tax in connection with any purchase made on the site and we are not liable for any use tax or for your failure to report and/or pay use tax.  You are responsible for determining whether use tax may be due in your jurisdiction, and, if necessary, reporting and/or paying use tax.  

Lord of Skulls reserves the right to cancel or refuse to process an order if we reasonably believe that the order placed is fraudulent, unauthorized, illegal or we believe that the order violates the Terms of Service.  We take these measures to protect our customers and ourselves from fraud and other unauthorized or illegal activity. If we decide to cancel or decline an order, we may do so at any time in our fulfillment process (including after you receive an order confirmation). We reserve the right to limit or cancel orders that, in our sole and exclusive discretion, contain pricing errors or other inaccuracies that lead us to believe that the order was processed by fraudulent means. If we cancel your order after your payment is processed and before any items of your order have be produced, we will issue a full credit or refund to your original payment method. Any payments for the cost of items that have been produced after an order has been canceled in this manner are un-refundable.

NOTE: Prices may not include VAT or other international Sales Tax. Our sales levels do not reach the limits required to collect and remit taxes in most countries. You may be responsible to pay a customs fee or duty on your order when your package is delivered depending on your country's international sales laws.